


Winners announced in the annual creative arts contest

Winners announced in the annual creative arts contest

Uvalde, TX, April 24, 2023 - Winners for the 2023 SWTJC Creative Arts Contest are in, and will be announced during the ceremonies on Thursday, April 27 at the Matthews Student Center Cafeteria in Uvalde.
“This is the second year we split the ceremony into two ceremonies to accommodate the different age groups and categories,” said Ismael Martinez, art contest coordinator. “The first ceremony begins at 6 p.m., while the second ceremony has a 7 p.m. start time. I highly encourage those planning to attend to look at the schedule to know what ceremony they need to attend.”
The first ceremony at 6 p.m. will recognize the winners in the community, college, grades 11-12, grades 9-10, and grades 7-8 divisions. The second ceremony at 7 p.m. will announce the winners in the pre-k and kindergarten, grades 1-2, grades 3-4, and grades 5-6 divisions.
A cash prize of $20 will be awarded to the overall literary and visual arts winners in each age group. Overall winners in the 11-12, college and community divisions will receive a $100 scholarship for SWTJC along with a $20 prize.
For questions about the creative arts contest contact Martinez at (830) 591-2942 or by emailing imartinez@gjg2.com.

View the list of winners here: 2023 Winners List.